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Physical and Developmental Disabilities are life-altering, they challenge ones daily existence -Those born with them, the care teams working to make our lives better and those who acquired one through an illness, aging or accident - Yet one thing rings true, everyone has a right to a life of dignity and respect -
a life on their own terms in an inclusive, compassionate and always-learning society 

If you know an Extraordinary Life and Voice you want featured connect with us on the "Contact Us" Page

Laura Ivanova Smith a Leader, Activist, Speaker and Instructor is a Wife and Mother too...

Laura lives with memory loss & Epilepsy

My invisible fight- Dysautonomia Awareness
I got 99 problems... palsy is just one | Maysoon Zayid

Deep sea diving in a wheelchair | Sue Austin

Loretta Claiborne, they wanted me institutionalized, momma said no!

My philosophy for a happy life | Sam Berns
Overcoming hopelessness | Nick Vujicic
The prison of your mind | Sean Stephenson
Anti-racism activist & educator “Jane Elliot”
While I'm Still Sue: Early-onset Alzheimers
Robert Hoge owns his face
David Miliband The refugee crisis is a test of our character
Rabbi Sharon Brous It's time to reclaim and reinvent religion.
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